Sunday, October 24, 2010

Had to update!

So...Jason and I woke up this morning in a panic. I sat up in bed and asked Jason if he feed Noah during the night. He said no, did you. We went running into his room to check on him and he was just waking up. He ate at 9:30 last night and went to sleep about 10:30 and didn't wake up until 7. Wow...we were in shock!! I'm definitely not getting my hopes up that he'll sleep through the night every night but man, that would be sooo nice.

Not only did he sleep through the night last night but he was an absolute angel today. Praise the Lord!!! He was a perfect baby! Didn't really cry at all today which is huge for him. He talked, smiled and laughed a lot today:) It's so great to see my baby happy!

So, thank you every one for your prayers! Today was so nice :)

Here is a picture of my cutie! I took him for a walk this evening. He loves it outside

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your beginning with Noah is so reminding me of mine with Ethan. My sister Kim would say in encouragement, and with great conviction, "Joy, every day get's easier." And I would tell that to myself on difficult days. And ya know she was right.
I am So Proud of you Paige-I am praying that God gives you your own personal encouragement that will meet you where you are at. That God give you the wisdom and discernment needed to meet Noah's needs. And that your joy increases as you and Noah bond. I love you very much-thank you for the updates, makes me feel I am right there with you :)
Joy Soria