Friday, October 29, 2010

Packing, Packing and more packing!!

I've slacked just a little with the blogging thing. :) We've had a crazy week. Jason and I got the stomach bug on tuesday. And it has taken me until today to really feel like myself again. Noah didn't get it...Praise the Lord!!! That was like my biggest fear but he seems just fine :)

Had lunch with Dr. Jensen and my girls from work on wednesday...sooooo sad saying goodbye :( I'm so gonna miss those girls but we're definitely gonna keep in touch!

Still can't believe we are making the big move on sunday!! So crazy! I'm so excited for this new chapter in our lives. We've been packing like crazy. There are boxes EVERYWHERE!! Jason picks the truck up tomorrow and we will pack it up and head out sunday after our last service at Free Chapel :( My mom is flying in tomorrow to help me drive and help us unpack and watch Noah next week. I'm so thankful for all her help! Don't know what I'd do without her. My dad and step mom will be heading down at some point next week to help us as well. So thankful for all their help too! So it's going to be a crazy, fun week!

It may be a few days again before I update but as soon as I get a chance to, I will :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Spoke to soon i guess...

K, so...he didn't sleep through the night last night :( but it wasn't too bad.
This morning he was super fussy and I was thinking oh no...what happened to my little angel..ha
This afternoon he was great!! It was awesome b/c I got so much packing done!

Tonight we went out to eat with Jeremy and Ashley! Love them!!! We are going to miss them so much but I know we will see them again :)
I hate goodbyes!!'s so hard! So I told them tonight that I'm not going to say goodbye I'll just say see you later:) That sounds better, right?! That's what I'll say to everyone here b/c I do not do goodbyes too well :(

So this is our last week in Austin so we are trying to take in all our favorite places one more time :) I'm sure we'll come back to visit...we love Austin!

Here are some pictures I took of Noah today! He was in such a good mood :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Had to update!

So...Jason and I woke up this morning in a panic. I sat up in bed and asked Jason if he feed Noah during the night. He said no, did you. We went running into his room to check on him and he was just waking up. He ate at 9:30 last night and went to sleep about 10:30 and didn't wake up until 7. Wow...we were in shock!! I'm definitely not getting my hopes up that he'll sleep through the night every night but man, that would be sooo nice.

Not only did he sleep through the night last night but he was an absolute angel today. Praise the Lord!!! He was a perfect baby! Didn't really cry at all today which is huge for him. He talked, smiled and laughed a lot today:) It's so great to see my baby happy!

So, thank you every one for your prayers! Today was so nice :)

Here is a picture of my cutie! I took him for a walk this evening. He loves it outside

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My crazy Life right Now!!

I haven't blogged in a few days and that's because I've been pretty busy taking care of my little guy. He's still having major tummy/reflux issues. It's exhausting to say the least! I took him to the doctor on friday b/c not only was he still having belly problems and crying like crazy but he started breaking out in a rash on his cheeks, neck and chest. I automatically thought he has a milk allergy for sure. My doctor said it's eczema. She said it's very common around this age to appear if it's going to. She doesn't think it's from an allergy but of course doesn't know for sure. B/c he's still have the reflux really bad, she has him on prevacid. She said to try this for a week and see if his reflux and crying gets better. If he shows no signs of improvement, then we are going to switch his formula to a hypoallergenic formula and see if that helps him. She didn't want to try both at the same time which I totally understand but it's like we need some relief soon!! It's so hard to really know what it is b/c the symptoms he has could mean one of three things, Reflux(GERD), Colic or a milk allergy. We just keep praying over him and praying for wisdom as parents to know what to do. It's just so pitiful to see your sweet baby crying in pain and so restless. We need help from someone other than a doctor, we need our Father's help! He's such a sweet little guy he just doesn't feel well so he's not a happy camper most of the time :( So please, please, please say a prayer for our family. other news...while we are dealing with this, we are packing b/c we are moving to Atlanta! It's bitter sweet! We are going to miss Austin so much. Austin is such a special place to us not only is it the first place Jason and I lived together and spent our first two years of marriage here but it's where we had our son. And, we have such great friends here that we are going to miss terribly. We have been praying and considering a move for some time now. We really feel drawn to the Atlanta area so we are going to take a HUGE step of faith and do it. I'm so excited too b/c it's sooo much closer to family!!:) After we had Noah, things just changed and we want to be a little closer to family. We want our children to see there grandparents more than just holidays. I was so close to my grandparents and I wouldn't trade that for anything. It's such a special relationship and bond that I have and I want my kids to have that too. We are also excited to see some of our great friends more often :)

Also, I've taken some time off from working out due to having a baby(i did work our until i was 9 month pregnant so i've taken like 3 months off) but I have been cleared by the doctor and I can't put it off any longer so I started running again today and it felt great!! I actually did really well. It's amazing how your body just remembers. I've lost all my weight except 7lbs and its like I'm stuck. Honestly I lost everything within a week and I've been stuck for 6 weeks! Hopefully it won't take me long and I'll be back to my pre-baby weight. I was telling Jason today I loved how I looked right when I got pregnant but I was running at least 5 times a week and doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. So as least I know what I need to do. It's just making myself do it :) I CAN DO IT!!!

Here's a few cute pictures:)

I got Noah's newborn pictures back from the photographer thursday so I'll post some tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sweet Noah's birth :)

Being induced!!

Due to my lack of dilation...c-section it is. He's ready to meet his little guy!!:)

Mommy's ready too...

This was a prayer they had posted outside the operating room where the dad's wait while the mom's get prepped for delivery.
So sweet!
There's our sweet boy!
My first time seeing him
Our first family photo!

Proud Daddy!
Proud Grammy!
Uncle Tyler

Thursday, October 14, 2010

North Carolina Baby Shower

So, my mom has the kind of personality that if she's going to do something, she's going to go all out. She loves decorating and planning party's and events. Honestly, she should totally start doing it on the side b/c she's so good!!! Here are some pictures.

These are hanging in his nursery...thanks Grammy!!

Best Friends since 3rd grade!!

Each table had a different center piece

How awesome is this cake!

Tracy made my cake...i loved it!!

Diaper cake my mom made and gift table...the cutest diaper cake I've ever seen :)

Peggo Pics....

i know that this is after the fact but I still wanted to share these pictures Jason took of me when I was 7 1/2 months pregnant.


Baby in the City

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My day today

So, my day started out with a trip to the doctor for Noah. My poor little guy has been having a really hard time lately. We've changed formula so many times, and tried other natural things but he has just been screaming and crying in pain. I have thought all along that he has had reflux. I had taken him to the dr 3 weeks ago b/c I thought he was dealing with reflux. The pediatrician agreed with me and prescribed zantac. Because I got a lot of people telling me he doesn't need medication, I didn't give it to him. It has gotten so bad that saturday, sunday and monday he didn't eat much! Made me so sad. Every time I tried to feed him, he would scream and cry and push away from the bottle. I started researching it more and I think what he has is called "silent reflux". With silent reflux, they don't spit up a lot like infants with regular reflux do. They spit up and then swallow it. So what's happening is it's burning on the way up and on the way back down and he is in a lot of pain b/c of the acid burning his throat. So I come to the conclusion, I can't just sit back and watch my baby scream and cry in pain, I have to do something and the only thing I know to do at this point is to give him the medication...
I was home with him all day today and he seems to be doing so much better. He's actually eating all of his bottles and not crying nearly as much as he was. I'm really hoping that things are getting better for him. It kills me to know that he is in pain and not being able to do anything to help my sweet boy. So anyway, I'm glad things were so much better today!!! Makes me so happy!

Here are a few pics from today.

Cute little bottom!! (he was napping on the couch and his little bottom was up in the air so I had to take a picture:))

We took a walk this afternoon...he loves to be strolled around!

Right after his bath tonight...he is alway sooo relaxed after his bath...he loves it!

Had to share this picture. It was taken yesterday. One of my favs!!! Love them!!