Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Friday!!!

Ok so, I'm so glad that it's friday. Busy week at work. I only have one more full week of work so I'm trying to help get everything caught up before I leave. Needless to say, I've been working like crazy.
I can't believe that I'll be married 2 weeks from today. It's so crazy how time flies. I'm so excited and can't wait to be married to the most amazing man ever!!!
I'm going to have a busy weekend aswell. Flying out in the am(early am like 6 am early..uggg) to go to Austin :) I have 2 job interviews on monday so pray that something great will come from them. SOOOO excited to see everyone again and to see my soon to be husband ;)
I feel so much joy inside of me just thinking of all the things that I have to look forward to.
Well, I've got to get back to work. I'll write more later.
Love you all!


Paige Martin said...

By the way all....I got the job...wooohoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

candacestone said...

WHOOO HOOOO you go girl!